Source code for mridc.collections.reconstruction.models.base

# coding=utf-8
__author__ = "Dimitrios Karkalousos"

import os
from abc import ABC
from collections import defaultdict
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Dict, Optional, Sequence, Tuple

import h5py
import numpy as np
import torch
import wandb
from omegaconf import DictConfig, OmegaConf
from pytorch_lightning import Trainer
from torch import nn
from import DataLoader
from torchmetrics.metric import Metric

from import fft2, ifft2
from import (
from import FastMRISliceDataset
from import create_mask_for_mask_type
from mridc.collections.reconstruction.metrics.evaluate import mse, nmse, psnr, ssim
from mridc.collections.reconstruction.models.unet_base.unet_block import NormUnet
from import MRIDataTransforms
from import batched_mask_center
from mridc.core.classes.modelPT import ModelPT
from mridc.utils.model_utils import convert_model_config_to_dict_config, maybe_update_config_version

__all__ = ["BaseMRIReconstructionModel", "BaseSensitivityModel", "DistributedMetricSum"]

[docs]class DistributedMetricSum(Metric): """ A metric that sums the values of a metric across all workers. Taken from: """ def __init__(self, dist_sync_on_step=True): super().__init__(dist_sync_on_step=dist_sync_on_step) self.add_state("quantity", default=torch.tensor(0.0), dist_reduce_fx="sum")
[docs] def update(self, batch: torch.Tensor): # type: ignore """Update the metric with a batch of data.""" self.quantity += batch
[docs] def compute(self): """Compute the metric value.""" return self.quantity
[docs]class BaseMRIReconstructionModel(ModelPT, ABC): """Base class of all MRIReconstruction models.""" def __init__(self, cfg: DictConfig, trainer: Trainer = None): # Get global rank and total number of GPU workers for IterableDataset partitioning, if applicable self.world_size = 1 if trainer is not None: self.world_size = trainer.num_nodes * trainer.num_devices cfg = convert_model_config_to_dict_config(cfg) cfg = maybe_update_config_version(cfg) # init superclass super().__init__(cfg=cfg, trainer=trainer) cfg_dict = OmegaConf.to_container(cfg, resolve=True) self.fft_centered = cfg_dict.get("fft_centered") self.fft_normalization = cfg_dict.get("fft_normalization") self.spatial_dims = cfg_dict.get("spatial_dims") self.coil_dim = cfg_dict.get("coil_dim") self.coil_combination_method = cfg_dict.get("coil_combination_method") # Initialize the sensitivity network if use_sens_net is True self.use_sens_net = cfg_dict.get("use_sens_net") if self.use_sens_net: self.sens_net = BaseSensitivityModel( cfg_dict.get("sens_chans"), cfg_dict.get("sens_pools"), fft_centered=self.fft_centered, fft_normalization=self.fft_normalization, spatial_dims=self.spatial_dims, coil_dim=self.coil_dim, mask_type=cfg_dict.get("sens_mask_type"), normalize=cfg_dict.get("sens_normalize"), mask_center=cfg_dict.get("sens_mask_center"), ) self.MSE = DistributedMetricSum() self.NMSE = DistributedMetricSum() self.SSIM = DistributedMetricSum() self.PSNR = DistributedMetricSum() self.TotExamples = DistributedMetricSum() # Set evaluation metrics dictionaries self.mse_vals: Dict = defaultdict(dict) self.nmse_vals: Dict = defaultdict(dict) self.ssim_vals: Dict = defaultdict(dict) self.psnr_vals: Dict = defaultdict(dict)
[docs] def process_loss(self, target, pred, _loss_fn, mask=None): """ Processes the loss. Parameters ---------- target: Target data. torch.Tensor, shape [batch_size, n_x, n_y, 2] pred: Final prediction(s). list of torch.Tensor, shape [batch_size, n_x, n_y, 2], or torch.Tensor, shape [batch_size, n_x, n_y, 2] _loss_fn: Loss function. torch.nn.Module, default torch.nn.L1Loss() mask: Mask for the loss. torch.Tensor, shape [batch_size, n_x, n_y, 2] Returns ------- loss: torch.FloatTensor, shape [1] If self.accumulate_loss is True, returns an accumulative result of all intermediate losses. """ target = torch.abs(target / torch.max(torch.abs(target))) pred = torch.abs(pred / torch.max(torch.abs(pred))) if "ssim" in str(_loss_fn).lower(): max_value = np.array(torch.max(torch.abs(target)).item()).astype(np.float32) def loss_fn(x, y): """Calculate the ssim loss.""" y = torch.abs(y / torch.max(torch.abs(y))) return _loss_fn( x.unsqueeze(dim=self.coil_dim), y.unsqueeze(dim=self.coil_dim), data_range=torch.tensor(max_value).unsqueeze(dim=0).to(x.device), ) else: def loss_fn(x, y): """Calculate other loss.""" y = torch.abs(y / torch.max(torch.abs(y))) return _loss_fn(x, y) return loss_fn(target, pred)
[docs] @staticmethod def process_inputs(y, mask, init_pred): """ Processes the inputs to the method. Parameters ---------- y: Subsampled k-space data. list of torch.Tensor, shape [batch_size, n_coils, n_x, n_y, 2] mask: Sampling mask. list of torch.Tensor, shape [1, 1, n_x, n_y, 1] init_pred: Initial prediction. list of torch.Tensor, shape [batch_size, n_x, n_y, 2] Returns ------- y: Subsampled k-space data. randomly selected y mask: Sampling mask. randomly selected mask init_pred: Initial prediction. randomly selected init_pred r: Random index. """ if isinstance(y, list): r = np.random.randint(len(y)) y = y[r] mask = mask[r] else: r = 0 return y, mask, init_pred, r
[docs] def training_step(self, batch: Dict[float, torch.Tensor], batch_idx: int) -> Dict[str, torch.Tensor]: """ Performs a training step. Parameters ---------- batch: Batch of data. Dict[str, torch.Tensor], with keys, 'y': subsampled kspace, torch.Tensor, shape [batch_size, n_coils, n_x, n_y, 2] 'sensitivity_maps': sensitivity_maps, torch.Tensor, shape [batch_size, n_coils, n_x, n_y, 2] 'mask': sampling mask, torch.Tensor, shape [1, 1, n_x, n_y, 1] 'init_pred': initial prediction. For example zero-filled or PICS. torch.Tensor, shape [batch_size, n_x, n_y, 2] 'target': target data, torch.Tensor, shape [batch_size, n_x, n_y, 2] 'phase_shift': phase shift for simulated motion, torch.Tensor 'fname': filename, str, shape [batch_size] 'slice_idx': slice_idx, torch.Tensor, shape [batch_size] 'acc': acceleration factor, torch.Tensor, shape [batch_size] 'max_value': maximum value of the magnitude image space, torch.Tensor, shape [batch_size] 'crop_size': crop size, torch.Tensor, shape [n_x, n_y] batch_idx: Batch index. int Returns ------- Dict[str, torch.Tensor], with keys, 'loss': loss, torch.Tensor, shape [1] 'log': log, dict, shape [1] """ kspace, y, sensitivity_maps, mask, init_pred, target, _, _, acc = batch y, mask, init_pred, r = self.process_inputs(y, mask, init_pred) if self.use_sens_net: sensitivity_maps = self.sens_net(kspace, mask) preds = self.forward(y, sensitivity_maps, mask, init_pred, target) if self.accumulate_estimates: try: preds = next(preds) except StopIteration: pass train_loss = sum(self.process_loss(target, preds, _loss_fn=self.train_loss_fn, mask=None)) else: train_loss = self.process_loss(target, preds, _loss_fn=self.train_loss_fn, mask=None) acc = r if r != 0 else acc tensorboard_logs = { f"train_loss_{acc}x": train_loss.item(), # type: ignore "lr": self._optimizer.param_groups[0]["lr"], # type: ignore } return {"loss": train_loss, "log": tensorboard_logs}
[docs] def validation_step(self, batch: Dict[float, torch.Tensor], batch_idx: int) -> Dict: """ Performs a validation step. Parameters ---------- batch: Batch of data. Dict[str, torch.Tensor], with keys, 'y': subsampled kspace, torch.Tensor, shape [batch_size, n_coils, n_x, n_y, 2] 'sensitivity_maps': sensitivity_maps, torch.Tensor, shape [batch_size, n_coils, n_x, n_y, 2] 'mask': sampling mask, torch.Tensor, shape [1, 1, n_x, n_y, 1] 'init_pred': initial prediction. For example zero-filled or PICS. torch.Tensor, shape [batch_size, n_x, n_y, 2] 'target': target data, torch.Tensor, shape [batch_size, n_x, n_y, 2] 'phase_shift': phase shift for simulated motion, torch.Tensor 'fname': filename, str, shape [batch_size] 'slice_idx': slice_idx, torch.Tensor, shape [batch_size] 'acc': acceleration factor, torch.Tensor, shape [batch_size] 'max_value': maximum value of the magnitude image space, torch.Tensor, shape [batch_size] 'crop_size': crop size, torch.Tensor, shape [n_x, n_y] batch_idx: Batch index. int Returns ------- Dict[str, torch.Tensor], with keys, 'loss': loss, torch.Tensor, shape [1] 'log': log, dict, shape [1] """ kspace, y, sensitivity_maps, mask, init_pred, target, fname, slice_num, _ = batch y, mask, init_pred, r = self.process_inputs(y, mask, init_pred) if self.use_sens_net: sensitivity_maps = self.sens_net(kspace, mask) preds = self.forward(y, sensitivity_maps, mask, init_pred, target) if self.accumulate_estimates: try: preds = next(preds) except StopIteration: pass val_loss = sum(self.process_loss(target, preds, _loss_fn=self.eval_loss_fn, mask=None)) else: val_loss = self.process_loss(target, preds, _loss_fn=self.eval_loss_fn, mask=None) # Cascades if isinstance(preds, list): preds = preds[-1] # Time-steps if isinstance(preds, list): preds = preds[-1] key = f"{fname[0]}_images_idx_{int(slice_num)}" # type: ignore output = torch.abs(preds).detach().cpu() target = torch.abs(target).detach().cpu() output = output / output.max() # type: ignore target = target / target.max() # type: ignore error = torch.abs(target - output) self.log_image(f"{key}/target", target) self.log_image(f"{key}/reconstruction", output) self.log_image(f"{key}/error", error) target = target.numpy() # type: ignore output = output.numpy() # type: ignore self.mse_vals[fname][slice_num] = torch.tensor(mse(target, output)).view(1) self.nmse_vals[fname][slice_num] = torch.tensor(nmse(target, output)).view(1) self.ssim_vals[fname][slice_num] = torch.tensor(ssim(target, output, maxval=output.max() - output.min())).view( 1 ) self.psnr_vals[fname][slice_num] = torch.tensor(psnr(target, output, maxval=output.max() - output.min())).view( 1 ) return {"val_loss": val_loss}
[docs] def test_step(self, batch: Dict[float, torch.Tensor], batch_idx: int) -> Tuple[str, int, torch.Tensor]: """ Performs a test step. Parameters ---------- batch: Batch of data. Dict[str, torch.Tensor], with keys, 'y': subsampled kspace, torch.Tensor, shape [batch_size, n_coils, n_x, n_y, 2] 'sensitivity_maps': sensitivity_maps, torch.Tensor, shape [batch_size, n_coils, n_x, n_y, 2] 'mask': sampling mask, torch.Tensor, shape [1, 1, n_x, n_y, 1] 'init_pred': initial prediction. For example zero-filled or PICS. torch.Tensor, shape [batch_size, n_x, n_y, 2] 'target': target data, torch.Tensor, shape [batch_size, n_x, n_y, 2] 'phase_shift': phase shift for simulated motion, torch.Tensor 'fname': filename, str, shape [batch_size] 'slice_idx': slice_idx, torch.Tensor, shape [batch_size] 'acc': acceleration factor, torch.Tensor, shape [batch_size] 'max_value': maximum value of the magnitude image space, torch.Tensor, shape [batch_size] 'crop_size': crop size, torch.Tensor, shape [n_x, n_y] batch_idx: Batch index. int Returns ------- name: Name of the volume. str slice_num: Slice number. int pred: Predicted data. torch.Tensor, shape [batch_size, n_x, n_y, 2] """ kspace, y, sensitivity_maps, mask, init_pred, target, fname, slice_num, _ = batch y, mask, init_pred, r = self.process_inputs(y, mask, init_pred) if self.use_sens_net: sensitivity_maps = self.sens_net(kspace, mask) preds = self.forward(y, sensitivity_maps, mask, init_pred, target) if self.accumulate_estimates: try: preds = next(preds) except StopIteration: pass # Cascades if isinstance(preds, list): preds = preds[-1] # Time-steps if isinstance(preds, list): preds = preds[-1] preds = preds / torch.abs(preds).max() # type: ignore slice_num = int(slice_num) name = str(fname[0]) # type: ignore key = f"{name}_images_idx_{slice_num}" # type: ignore output = torch.abs(preds).detach().cpu() output = output / output.max() # type: ignore target = torch.abs(target).detach().cpu() target = target / target.max() # type: ignore error = torch.abs(target - output) self.log_image(f"{key}/target", target) self.log_image(f"{key}/reconstruction", output) self.log_image(f"{key}/error", error) target = target.numpy() # type: ignore output = output.numpy() # type: ignore self.mse_vals[fname][slice_num] = torch.tensor(mse(target, output)).view(1) self.nmse_vals[fname][slice_num] = torch.tensor(nmse(target, output)).view(1) self.ssim_vals[fname][slice_num] = torch.tensor(ssim(target, output, maxval=output.max() - output.min())).view( 1 ) self.psnr_vals[fname][slice_num] = torch.tensor(psnr(target, output, maxval=output.max() - output.min())).view( 1 ) return name, slice_num, preds.detach().cpu().numpy()
[docs] def log_image(self, name, image): """ Logs an image. Parameters ---------- name: Name of the image. str image: Image to log. torch.Tensor, shape [batch_size, n_x, n_y, 2] """ if image.dim() > 3: image = image[0, 0, :, :].unsqueeze(0) elif image.shape[0] != 1: image = image[0].unsqueeze(0) if "wandb" in self.logger.__module__.lower(): self.logger.experiment.log({name: wandb.Image(image.numpy())}) else: self.logger.experiment.add_image(name, image, global_step=self.global_step)
[docs] def validation_epoch_end(self, outputs): """ Called at the end of validation epoch to aggregate outputs. Parameters ---------- outputs: List of outputs of the validation batches. list of dicts Returns ------- metrics: Dictionary of metrics. dict """ self.log("val_loss", torch.stack([x["val_loss"] for x in outputs]).mean()) # Log metrics. # Taken from: mse_vals = defaultdict(dict) nmse_vals = defaultdict(dict) ssim_vals = defaultdict(dict) psnr_vals = defaultdict(dict) for k in self.mse_vals.keys(): mse_vals[k].update(self.mse_vals[k]) for k in self.nmse_vals.keys(): nmse_vals[k].update(self.nmse_vals[k]) for k in self.ssim_vals.keys(): ssim_vals[k].update(self.ssim_vals[k]) for k in self.psnr_vals.keys(): psnr_vals[k].update(self.psnr_vals[k]) # apply means across image volumes metrics = {"MSE": 0, "NMSE": 0, "SSIM": 0, "PSNR": 0} local_examples = 0 for fname in mse_vals: local_examples += 1 metrics["MSE"] = metrics["MSE"] + torch.mean([v.view(-1) for _, v in mse_vals[fname].items()])) metrics["NMSE"] = metrics["NMSE"] + torch.mean([v.view(-1) for _, v in nmse_vals[fname].items()]) ) metrics["SSIM"] = metrics["SSIM"] + torch.mean([v.view(-1) for _, v in ssim_vals[fname].items()]) ) metrics["PSNR"] = metrics["PSNR"] + torch.mean([v.view(-1) for _, v in psnr_vals[fname].items()]) ) # reduce across ddp via sum metrics["MSE"] = self.MSE(metrics["MSE"]) metrics["NMSE"] = self.NMSE(metrics["NMSE"]) metrics["SSIM"] = self.SSIM(metrics["SSIM"]) metrics["PSNR"] = self.PSNR(metrics["PSNR"]) tot_examples = self.TotExamples(torch.tensor(local_examples)) for metric, value in metrics.items(): self.log(f"{metric}", value / tot_examples)
[docs] def test_epoch_end(self, outputs): """ Called at the end of test epoch to aggregate outputs. Parameters ---------- outputs: List of outputs of the test batches. list of dicts Returns ------- Saves the reconstructed images to .h5 files. """ # Log metrics. # Taken from: mse_vals = defaultdict(dict) nmse_vals = defaultdict(dict) ssim_vals = defaultdict(dict) psnr_vals = defaultdict(dict) for k in self.mse_vals.keys(): mse_vals[k].update(self.mse_vals[k]) for k in self.nmse_vals.keys(): nmse_vals[k].update(self.nmse_vals[k]) for k in self.ssim_vals.keys(): ssim_vals[k].update(self.ssim_vals[k]) for k in self.psnr_vals.keys(): psnr_vals[k].update(self.psnr_vals[k]) # apply means across image volumes metrics = {"MSE": 0, "NMSE": 0, "SSIM": 0, "PSNR": 0} local_examples = 0 for fname in mse_vals: local_examples += 1 metrics["MSE"] = metrics["MSE"] + torch.mean([v.view(-1) for _, v in mse_vals[fname].items()])) metrics["NMSE"] = metrics["NMSE"] + torch.mean([v.view(-1) for _, v in nmse_vals[fname].items()]) ) metrics["SSIM"] = metrics["SSIM"] + torch.mean([v.view(-1) for _, v in ssim_vals[fname].items()]) ) metrics["PSNR"] = metrics["PSNR"] + torch.mean([v.view(-1) for _, v in psnr_vals[fname].items()]) ) # reduce across ddp via sum metrics["MSE"] = self.MSE(metrics["MSE"]) metrics["NMSE"] = self.NMSE(metrics["NMSE"]) metrics["SSIM"] = self.SSIM(metrics["SSIM"]) metrics["PSNR"] = self.PSNR(metrics["PSNR"]) tot_examples = self.TotExamples(torch.tensor(local_examples)) for metric, value in metrics.items(): self.log(f"{metric}", value / tot_examples) reconstructions = defaultdict(list) for fname, slice_num, output in outputs: reconstructions[fname].append((slice_num, output)) for fname in reconstructions: reconstructions[fname] = np.stack([out for _, out in sorted(reconstructions[fname])]) # type: ignore out_dir = Path(os.path.join(self.logger.log_dir, "reconstructions")) out_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) for fname, recons in reconstructions.items(): with h5py.File(out_dir / fname, "w") as hf: hf.create_dataset("reconstruction", data=recons)
[docs] def setup_training_data(self, train_data_config: Optional[DictConfig]): """ Setups the training data. Parameters ---------- train_data_config: Training data configuration. dict Returns ------- train_data: Training data. """ self._train_dl = self._setup_dataloader_from_config(cfg=train_data_config)
[docs] def setup_validation_data(self, val_data_config: Optional[DictConfig]): """ Setups the validation data. Parameters ---------- val_data_config: Validation data configuration. dict Returns ------- val_data: Validation data. """ self._validation_dl = self._setup_dataloader_from_config(cfg=val_data_config)
[docs] def setup_test_data(self, test_data_config: Optional[DictConfig]): """ Setups the test data. Parameters ---------- test_data_config: Test data configuration. dict Returns ------- test_data: Test data. """ self._test_dl = self._setup_dataloader_from_config(cfg=test_data_config)
@staticmethod def _setup_dataloader_from_config(cfg: DictConfig) -> DataLoader: """ Setups the dataloader from the configuration (yaml) file. Parameters ---------- cfg: Configuration file. dict Returns ------- dataloader: DataLoader. """ mask_root = cfg.get("mask_path") mask_args = cfg.get("mask_args") shift_mask = mask_args.get("shift_mask") mask_type = mask_args.get("type") mask_func = None # type: ignore mask_center_scale = 0.02 if is_none(mask_root) and not is_none(mask_type): accelerations = mask_args.get("accelerations") center_fractions = mask_args.get("center_fractions") mask_center_scale = mask_args.get("scale") mask_func = ( [ create_mask_for_mask_type(mask_type, [cf] * 2, [acc] * 2) for acc, cf in zip(accelerations, center_fractions) ] if len(accelerations) >= 2 else [create_mask_for_mask_type(mask_type, center_fractions, accelerations)] ) dataset = FastMRISliceDataset( root=cfg.get("data_path"), sense_root=cfg.get("sense_path"), mask_root=cfg.get("mask_path"), challenge=cfg.get("challenge"), transform=MRIDataTransforms( coil_combination_method=cfg.get("coil_combination_method"), dimensionality=cfg.get("dimensionality"), mask_func=mask_func, shift_mask=shift_mask, mask_center_scale=mask_center_scale, remask=cfg.get("remask"), normalize_inputs=cfg.get("normalize_inputs"), crop_size=cfg.get("crop_size"), crop_before_masking=cfg.get("crop_before_masking"), kspace_zero_filling_size=cfg.get("kspace_zero_filling_size"), fft_centered=cfg.get("fft_centered"), fft_normalization=cfg.get("fft_normalization"), max_norm=cfg.get("max_norm"), spatial_dims=cfg.get("spatial_dims"), coil_dim=cfg.get("coil_dim"), use_seed=cfg.get("use_seed"), ), sample_rate=cfg.get("sample_rate"), consecutive_slices=cfg.get("consecutive_slices"), ) if cfg.shuffle: sampler = else: sampler = return dataset=dataset, batch_size=cfg.get("batch_size"), sampler=sampler, num_workers=cfg.get("num_workers", 2), pin_memory=cfg.get("pin_memory", False), drop_last=cfg.get("drop_last", False), )
[docs]class BaseSensitivityModel(nn.Module, ABC): """ Model for learning sensitivity estimation from k-space data. This model applies an IFFT to multichannel k-space data and then a U-Net to the coil images to estimate coil sensitivities. """ def __init__( self, chans: int = 8, num_pools: int = 4, in_chans: int = 2, out_chans: int = 2, drop_prob: float = 0.0, padding_size: int = 15, mask_type: str = "2D", # TODO: make this generalizable fft_centered: bool = True, fft_normalization: str = "ortho", spatial_dims: Sequence[int] = None, coil_dim: int = 1, normalize: bool = True, mask_center: bool = True, ): """ Initializes the model. Parameters ---------- chans: Number of channels in the input k-space data. int num_pools: Number of U-Net downsampling/upsampling operations. int in_chans: Number of channels in the input data. int out_chans: Number of channels in the output data. int drop_prob: Dropout probability. float padding_size: Size of the zero-padding. int mask_type: Type of mask to use. str fft_centered: Whether to center the FFT. bool fft_normalization: Type of FFT normalization to use. str spatial_dims: Spatial dimensions of the data. tuple coil_dim: Coil dimension. int normalize: Whether to normalize the input data. bool mask_center: Whether mask the center of the image. bool """ super().__init__() self.mask_type = mask_type self.norm_unet = NormUnet( chans, num_pools, in_chans=in_chans, out_chans=out_chans, drop_prob=drop_prob, padding_size=padding_size, normalize=normalize, ) self.mask_center = mask_center self.fft_centered = fft_centered self.fft_normalization = fft_normalization self.spatial_dims = spatial_dims if spatial_dims is not None else [-2, -1] self.coil_dim = coil_dim self.normalize = normalize
[docs] @staticmethod def chans_to_batch_dim(x: torch.Tensor) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, int]: """ Converts the number of channels in a tensor to the batch dimension. Parameters ---------- x: Tensor to convert. torch.Tensor Returns ------- Tuple of the converted tensor and the original last dimension. Tuple[torch.Tensor, int] """ b, c, h, w, comp = x.shape return x.view(b * c, 1, h, w, comp), b
[docs] @staticmethod def batch_chans_to_chan_dim(x: torch.Tensor, batch_size: int) -> torch.Tensor: """ Converts the number of channels in a tensor to the channel dimension. Parameters ---------- x: Tensor to convert. torch.Tensor batch_size: Original batch size. int Returns ------- Converted tensor. torch.Tensor """ bc, _, h, w, comp = x.shape c = torch.div(bc, batch_size, rounding_mode="trunc") return x.view(batch_size, c, h, w, comp)
[docs] @staticmethod def divide_root_sum_of_squares(x: torch.Tensor, coil_dim: int) -> torch.Tensor: """ Divide the input by the root of the sum of squares of the magnitude of each complex number. Parameters ---------- x: Tensor to divide. torch.Tensor coil_dim: Coil dimension. int Returns ------- RSS output tensor. torch.Tensor """ return x / rss_complex(x, dim=coil_dim).unsqueeze(-1).unsqueeze(coil_dim)
[docs] @staticmethod def get_pad_and_num_low_freqs( mask: torch.Tensor, num_low_frequencies: Optional[int] = None ) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]: """ Get the padding to apply to the input to make it square and the number of low frequencies to keep. Parameters ---------- mask: Mask to use. torch.Tensor num_low_frequencies: Number of low frequencies to keep. int Returns ------- Tuple of the padding and the number of low frequencies to keep. Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor] """ if num_low_frequencies is None or num_low_frequencies == 0: # get low frequency line locations and mask them out squeezed_mask = mask[:, 0, 0, :, 0].to(torch.int8) cent = torch.div(squeezed_mask.shape[1], 2, rounding_mode="trunc") # running argmin returns the first non-zero left = torch.argmin(squeezed_mask[:, :cent].flip(1), dim=1) right = torch.argmin(squeezed_mask[:, cent:], dim=1) num_low_frequencies_tensor = torch.max( 2 * torch.min(left, right), torch.ones_like(left) ) # force a symmetric center unless 1 else: num_low_frequencies_tensor = num_low_frequencies * torch.ones( mask.shape[0], dtype=mask.dtype, device=mask.device ) pad = torch.div(mask.shape[-2] - num_low_frequencies_tensor + 1, 2, rounding_mode="trunc") return pad, num_low_frequencies_tensor
[docs] def forward( self, masked_kspace: torch.Tensor, mask: torch.Tensor, num_low_frequencies: Optional[int] = None, ) -> torch.Tensor: """ Forward pass of the model. Parameters ---------- masked_kspace: Subsampled k-space data. torch.Tensor, shape [batch_size, n_coils, n_x, n_y, 2] mask: Sampling mask. torch.Tensor, shape [batch_size, 1, n_x, n_y, 1] num_low_frequencies: Number of low frequencies to keep. int Returns ------- Normalized UNet output tensor. torch.Tensor, shape [batch_size, n_coils, n_x, n_y, 2] """ if self.mask_center: pad, num_low_freqs = self.get_pad_and_num_low_freqs(mask, num_low_frequencies) masked_kspace = batched_mask_center(masked_kspace, pad, pad + num_low_freqs, mask_type=self.mask_type) # convert to image space images, batches = self.chans_to_batch_dim( ifft2( masked_kspace, centered=self.fft_centered, normalization=self.fft_normalization, spatial_dims=self.spatial_dims, ) ) # estimate sensitivities images = self.batch_chans_to_chan_dim(self.norm_unet(images), batches) if self.normalize: images = self.divide_root_sum_of_squares(images, self.coil_dim) return images