Source code for mridc.collections.reconstruction.models.jointicnet

# coding=utf-8
__author__ = "Dimitrios Karkalousos"

from abc import ABC

import torch
from omegaconf import DictConfig, OmegaConf
from pytorch_lightning import Trainer
from torch.nn import L1Loss

from mridc.collections.common.losses.ssim import SSIMLoss
from import fft2, ifft2
from import complex_conj, complex_mul
from mridc.collections.reconstruction.models.base import BaseMRIReconstructionModel, BaseSensitivityModel
from mridc.collections.reconstruction.models.unet_base.unet_block import NormUnet
from import center_crop_to_smallest
from mridc.core.classes.common import typecheck

__all__ = ["JointICNet"]

[docs]class JointICNet(BaseMRIReconstructionModel, ABC): """ Implementation of the Joint Deep Model-Based MR Image and Coil Sensitivity Reconstruction Network (Joint-ICNet), \ as presented in Jun, Yohan, et al. References ---------- .. Jun, Yohan, et al. “Joint Deep Model-Based MR Image and Coil Sensitivity Reconstruction Network (Joint-ICNet) \ for Fast MRI.” 2021 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), IEEE, 2021, pp. \ 5266–75. (Crossref), """ def __init__(self, cfg: DictConfig, trainer: Trainer = None): # init superclass super().__init__(cfg=cfg, trainer=trainer) cfg_dict = OmegaConf.to_container(cfg, resolve=True) self.num_iter = cfg_dict.get("num_iter") self.fft_centered = cfg_dict.get("fft_centered") self.fft_normalization = cfg_dict.get("fft_normalization") self.spatial_dims = cfg_dict.get("spatial_dims") self.coil_dim = cfg_dict.get("coil_dim") self.kspace_model = NormUnet( cfg_dict.get("kspace_unet_num_filters"), cfg_dict.get("kspace_unet_num_pool_layers"), in_chans=2, out_chans=2, drop_prob=cfg_dict.get("kspace_unet_dropout_probability"), padding_size=cfg_dict.get("kspace_unet_padding_size"), normalize=cfg_dict.get("kspace_unet_normalize"), ) self.image_model = NormUnet( cfg_dict.get("imspace_unet_num_filters"), cfg_dict.get("imspace_unet_num_pool_layers"), in_chans=2, out_chans=2, drop_prob=cfg_dict.get("imspace_unet_dropout_probability"), padding_size=cfg_dict.get("imspace_unet_padding_size"), normalize=cfg_dict.get("imspace_unet_normalize"), ) self.sens_net = BaseSensitivityModel( cfg_dict.get("sens_unet_num_filters"), cfg_dict.get("sens_unet_num_pool_layers"), mask_center=cfg_dict.get("sens_unet_mask_center"), fft_centered=self.fft_centered, fft_normalization=self.fft_normalization, spatial_dims=self.spatial_dims, coil_dim=self.coil_dim, mask_type=cfg_dict.get("sens_mask_type"), drop_prob=cfg_dict.get("sens_unet_dropout_probability"), padding_size=cfg_dict.get("sens_unet_padding_size"), normalize=cfg_dict.get("sens_unet_normalize"), ) self.conv_out = torch.nn.Conv2d(in_channels=2, out_channels=2, kernel_size=1) self.reg_param_I = torch.nn.Parameter(torch.ones(self.num_iter)) self.reg_param_F = torch.nn.Parameter(torch.ones(self.num_iter)) self.reg_param_C = torch.nn.Parameter(torch.ones(self.num_iter)) self.lr_image = torch.nn.Parameter(torch.ones(self.num_iter)) self.lr_sens = torch.nn.Parameter(torch.ones(self.num_iter)) self.coil_combination_method = cfg_dict.get("coil_combination_method") self.train_loss_fn = SSIMLoss() if cfg_dict.get("train_loss_fn") == "ssim" else L1Loss() self.eval_loss_fn = SSIMLoss() if cfg_dict.get("eval_loss_fn") == "ssim" else L1Loss() self.accumulate_estimates = False
[docs] def update_C(self, idx, DC_sens, sensitivity_maps, image, y, mask) -> torch.Tensor: """ Update the coil sensitivity maps. .. math:: C = (1 - 2 * \lambda_{k}^{C} * ni_{k}) * C_{k} C = 2 * \lambda_{k}^{C} * ni_{k} * D_{C}(F^-1(b)) A(x_{k}) = M * F * (C * x_{k}) C = 2 * ni_{k} * F^-1(M.T * (M * F * (C * x_{k}) - b)) * x_{k}^* Parameters ---------- idx: int The current iteration index. DC_sens: torch.Tensor [batch_size, num_coils, num_sens_maps, num_rows, num_cols] The initial coil sensitivity maps. sensitivity_maps: torch.Tensor [batch_size, num_coils, num_sens_maps, num_rows, num_cols] The coil sensitivity maps. image: torch.Tensor [batch_size, num_coils, num_rows, num_cols] The predicted image. y: torch.Tensor [batch_size, num_coils, num_rows, num_cols] The subsampled k-space data. mask: torch.Tensor [batch_size, 1, num_rows, num_cols] The subsampled mask. Returns ------- sensitivity_maps: torch.Tensor [batch_size, num_coils, num_sens_maps, num_rows, num_cols] The updated coil sensitivity maps. """ # (1 - 2 * lambda_{k}^{C} * ni_{k}) * C_{k} sense_term_1 = (1 - 2 * self.reg_param_C[idx] * self.lr_sens[idx]) * sensitivity_maps # 2 * lambda_{k}^{C} * ni_{k} * D_{C}(F^-1(b)) sense_term_2 = 2 * self.reg_param_C[idx] * self.lr_sens[idx] * DC_sens # A(x_{k}) = M * F * (C * x_{k}) sense_term_3_A = fft2( complex_mul(image.unsqueeze(self.coil_dim), sensitivity_maps), centered=self.fft_centered, normalization=self.fft_normalization, spatial_dims=self.spatial_dims, ) sense_term_3_A = torch.where(mask == 0, torch.tensor([0.0], dtype=y.dtype).to(y.device), sense_term_3_A) # 2 * ni_{k} * F^-1(M.T * (M * F * (C * x_{k}) - b)) * x_{k}^* sense_term_3_mask = torch.where( mask == 1, torch.tensor([0.0], dtype=y.dtype).to(y.device), sense_term_3_A - y, ) sense_term_3_backward = ifft2( sense_term_3_mask, centered=self.fft_centered, normalization=self.fft_normalization, spatial_dims=self.spatial_dims, ) sense_term_3 = 2 * self.lr_sens[idx] * sense_term_3_backward * complex_conj(image).unsqueeze(self.coil_dim) sensitivity_maps = sense_term_1 + sense_term_2 - sense_term_3 return sensitivity_maps
[docs] def update_X(self, idx, image, sensitivity_maps, y, mask): """ Update the image. .. math:: x_{k} = (1 - 2 * \lamdba_{{k}_{I}} * mi_{k} - 2 * \lamdba_{{k}_{F}} * mi_{k}) * x_{k} x_{k} = 2 * mi_{k} * (\lambda_{{k}_{I}} * D_I(x_{k}) + \lambda_{{k}_{F}} * F^-1(D_F(f))) A(x{k} - b) = M * F * (C * x{k}) - b x_{k} = 2 * mi_{k} * A^* * (A(x{k} - b)) Parameters ---------- idx: int The current iteration index. image: torch.Tensor [batch_size, num_coils, num_rows, num_cols] The predicted image. sensitivity_maps: torch.Tensor [batch_size, num_coils, num_sens_maps, num_rows, num_cols] The coil sensitivity maps. y: torch.Tensor [batch_size, num_coils, num_rows, num_cols] The subsampled k-space data. mask: torch.Tensor [batch_size, 1, num_rows, num_cols] The subsampled mask. Returns ------- image: torch.Tensor [batch_size, num_coils, num_rows, num_cols] The updated image. """ # (1 - 2 * lamdba_{k}_{I} * mi_{k} - 2 * lamdba_{k}_{F} * mi_{k}) * x_{k} image_term_1 = ( 1 - 2 * self.reg_param_I[idx] * self.lr_image[idx] - 2 * self.reg_param_F[idx] * self.lr_image[idx] ) * image # D_I(x_{k}) image_term_2_DI = self.image_model(image.unsqueeze(self.coil_dim)).squeeze(self.coil_dim).contiguous() image_term_2_DF = ifft2( self.kspace_model( fft2( image, centered=self.fft_centered, normalization=self.fft_normalization, spatial_dims=self.spatial_dims, ).unsqueeze(self.coil_dim) ) .squeeze(self.coil_dim) .contiguous(), centered=self.fft_centered, normalization=self.fft_normalization, spatial_dims=self.spatial_dims, ) # 2 * mi_{k} * (lambda_{k}_{I} * D_I(x_{k}) + lambda_{k}_{F} * F^-1(D_F(f))) image_term_2 = ( 2 * self.lr_image[idx] * (self.reg_param_I[idx] * image_term_2_DI + self.reg_param_F[idx] * image_term_2_DF) ) # A(x{k}) - b) = M * F * (C * x{k}) - b image_term_3_A = fft2( complex_mul(image.unsqueeze(self.coil_dim), sensitivity_maps), centered=self.fft_centered, normalization=self.fft_normalization, spatial_dims=self.spatial_dims, ) image_term_3_A = torch.where(mask == 0, torch.tensor([0.0], dtype=y.dtype).to(y.device), image_term_3_A) - y # 2 * mi_{k} * A^* * (A(x{k}) - b)) image_term_3_Aconj = complex_mul( ifft2( image_term_3_A, centered=self.fft_centered, normalization=self.fft_normalization, spatial_dims=self.spatial_dims, ), complex_conj(sensitivity_maps), ).sum(self.coil_dim) image_term_3 = 2 * self.lr_image[idx] * image_term_3_Aconj image = image_term_1 + image_term_2 - image_term_3 return image
[docs] @typecheck() def forward( self, y: torch.Tensor, sensitivity_maps: torch.Tensor, mask: torch.Tensor, init_pred: torch.Tensor, target: torch.Tensor, ) -> torch.Tensor: """ Forward pass of the network. Parameters ---------- y: Subsampled k-space data. torch.Tensor, shape [batch_size, n_coils, n_x, n_y, 2] sensitivity_maps: Coil sensitivity maps. torch.Tensor, shape [batch_size, n_coils, n_x, n_y, 2] mask: Sampling mask. torch.Tensor, shape [1, 1, n_x, n_y, 1] init_pred: Initial prediction. torch.Tensor, shape [batch_size, n_x, n_y, 2] target: Target data to compute the loss. torch.Tensor, shape [batch_size, n_x, n_y, 2] Returns ------- pred: list of torch.Tensor, shape [batch_size, n_x, n_y, 2], or torch.Tensor, shape [batch_size, n_x, n_y, 2] If self.accumulate_loss is True, returns a list of all intermediate estimates. If False, returns the final estimate. """ DC_sens = self.sens_net(y, mask) sensitivity_maps = DC_sens.clone() image = complex_mul( ifft2(y, centered=self.fft_centered, normalization=self.fft_normalization, spatial_dims=self.spatial_dims), complex_conj(sensitivity_maps), ).sum(self.coil_dim) for idx in range(self.num_iter): sensitivity_maps = self.update_C(idx, DC_sens, sensitivity_maps, image, y, mask) image = self.update_X(idx, image, sensitivity_maps, y, mask) image = torch.view_as_complex(image) _, image = center_crop_to_smallest(target, image) return image