Source code for mridc.core.conf.modelPT

# encoding: utf-8
__author__ = "Dimitrios Karkalousos"

# Taken and adapted from:

from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from typing import Any, Dict, Optional

from omegaconf import MISSING

from mridc.core.classes.dataset import DatasetConfig
from mridc.core.conf.optimizers import OptimizerParams
from mridc.core.conf.schedulers import SchedulerParams
from mridc.core.conf.trainer import TrainerConfig
from mridc.utils.exp_manager import ExpManagerConfig

[docs]@dataclass class SchedConfig: """Configuration for the scheduler.""" name: str = MISSING min_lr: float = 0.0 last_epoch: int = -1
[docs]@dataclass class OptimConfig: """Configuration for the optimizer.""" name: str = MISSING sched: Optional[SchedConfig] = None
[docs]@dataclass class ModelConfig: """Configuration for the model.""" train_ds: Optional[DatasetConfig] = None validation_ds: Optional[DatasetConfig] = None test_ds: Optional[DatasetConfig] = None optim: Optional[OptimConfig] = None
[docs]@dataclass class HydraConfig: """Configuration for the hydra framework.""" run: Dict[str, Any] = field(default_factory=lambda: {"dir": "."}) job_logging: Dict[str, Any] = field(default_factory=lambda: {"root": {"handlers": None}})
[docs]@dataclass class MRIDCConfig: """Configuration for the mridc framework.""" name: str = MISSING model: ModelConfig = MISSING trainer: TrainerConfig = TrainerConfig( strategy="ddp", enable_checkpointing=False, logger=False, log_every_n_steps=1, accelerator="gpu", ) exp_manager: Optional[Any] = ExpManagerConfig() hydra: HydraConfig = HydraConfig()
[docs]class ModelConfigBuilder: """Builder for the ModelConfig class.""" def __init__(self, model_cfg: ModelConfig): """ Base class for any Model Config Builder. A Model Config Builder is a utility class that accepts a ModelConfig dataclass, and via a set of utility methods (that are implemented by the subclassed ModelConfigBuilder), builds a finalized ModelConfig that can be supplied to a MRIDCModel dataclass as the `model` component. Subclasses *must* implement the private method `_finalize_cfg`. Inside this method, they must update `self.model_cfg` with all interdependent config options that need to be set (either updated by user explicitly or with their default value). The updated model config must then be preserved in `self.model_cfg`. Example ------- # Create the config builder config_builder = <subclass>ModelConfigBuilder() # Update the components of the config that are modifiable config_builder.set_X(X) config_builder.set_Y(Y) # Create a "finalized" config dataclass that will contain all the updates # that were specified by the builder model_config = # Use model config as is (or further update values), then create a new Model model = mridc.<domain>.models.<ModelName>Model(cfg=model_config, trainer=Trainer()) Supported build methods: - set_train_ds: All model configs can accept a subclass of `DatasetConfig` as their training conf. Subclasses can override this method to enable auto-complete by replacing `Optional[DatasetConfig]` with `Optional[<subclass of DatasetConfig>]`. - set_validation_ds: All model configs can accept a subclass of `DatasetConfig` as their validation conf. Subclasses can override this method to enable auto-complete by replacing `Optional[DatasetConfig]` with `Optional[<subclass of DatasetConfig>]`. - set_test_ds: All model configs can accept a subclass of `DatasetConfig` as their test conf. Subclasses can override this method to enable auto-complete by replacing `Optional[DatasetConfig]` with `Optional[<subclass of DatasetConfig>]`. - set_optim: A build method that supports changes to the Optimizer (and optionally, the Scheduler) used for training the model. The function accepts two inputs - `cfg`: A subclass of `OptimizerParams` - any OptimizerParams subclass can be used, in order to select an appropriate Optimizer. Examples: AdamParams. `sched_cfg`: A subclass of `SchedulerParams` - any SchedulerParams subclass can be used, in order to select an appropriate Scheduler. Examples: CosineAnnealingParams. Note that this argument is optional. - build(): The method which should return a "finalized" ModelConfig dataclass. Subclasses *should* always override this method, and update the signature of this method with the return type of the Dataclass, so that it enables autocomplete for the user. Example: def build(self) -> EncDecCTCConfig: return super().build() Any additional build methods must be added by subclasses of ModelConfigBuilder. Parameters ---------- model_cfg: The model config dataclass to be updated. Returns ------- The updated model config dataclass. """ self.model_cfg = model_cfg self.train_ds_cfg = None self.validation_ds_cfg = None self.test_ds_cfg = None self.optim_cfg = None
[docs] def set_train_ds(self, cfg: Optional[DatasetConfig] = None): """Set the training dataset configuration.""" self.model_cfg.train_ds = cfg
[docs] def set_validation_ds(self, cfg: Optional[DatasetConfig] = None): """Set the validation dataset configuration.""" self.model_cfg.validation_ds = cfg
[docs] def set_test_ds(self, cfg: Optional[DatasetConfig] = None): """Set the test dataset configuration.""" self.model_cfg.test_ds = cfg
[docs] def set_optim(self, cfg: OptimizerParams, sched_cfg: Optional[SchedulerParams] = None): """Set the optimizer configuration.""" @dataclass class WrappedOptimConfig(OptimConfig, cfg.__class__): # type: ignore """A wrapper class for the OptimizerParams dataclass.""" # Setup optim optim_name = cfg.__class__.__name__.replace("Params", "").lower() wrapped_cfg = WrappedOptimConfig(name=optim_name, sched=None, **vars(cfg)) # type: ignore if sched_cfg is not None: @dataclass class WrappedSchedConfig(SchedConfig, sched_cfg.__class__): # type: ignore """A wrapper class for the SchedulerParams dataclass.""" # Setup scheduler sched_name = sched_cfg.__class__.__name__.replace("Params", "") wrapped_sched_cfg = WrappedSchedConfig(name=sched_name, **vars(sched_cfg)) wrapped_cfg.sched = wrapped_sched_cfg self.model_cfg.optim = wrapped_cfg
def _finalize_cfg(self): """Finalize the model configuration.""" raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def build(self) -> ModelConfig: """Validate config""" self._finalize_cfg() return self.model_cfg