Source code for mridc.utils.debug_hook

# encoding: utf-8
__author__ = "Dimitrios Karkalousos"

# Taken and adapted from:

import os

import torch

[docs]def get_forward_hook(name, trainer, rank, logger, dump_to_file=False): """ A forward hook to dump all the module input and output norms. It is called at every time after forward() has computed an output. Only float type input/output tensor norms are computed. For more details about the forward hook, check: Parameters ---------- name : str tensor name trainer : PTL trainer PTL trainer rank : int worker rank logger : PTL log function PTL log function dump_to_file : bool, optional wether dump the csv file to the disk, by default False Returns ------- forward_hook """ if dump_to_file: os.makedirs("debug_info", exist_ok=True) fp = open(f"debug_info/forward_{name}_rank{rank}.txt", "w") header = False def forward_hook(module, inputs, outputs): """Forward hook to dump all of the module input and output norms. It is called at every time after forward() has computed an output. Only float type input/output tensor norms are computed.""" nonlocal header nonlocal fp if values = [] headers = [] for n, i in enumerate(inputs): if isinstance(i, torch.Tensor) and i.dtype in [torch.float, torch.half, torch.bfloat16]: if not header: headers.append("input") input_norm = values.append(f"{input_norm}") logger(f"debug_info_forward/{name}_rank{rank}_input{n}", input_norm) if isinstance(outputs, tuple): for n, i in enumerate(outputs): if isinstance(i, torch.Tensor) and i.dtype in [torch.float, torch.half, torch.bfloat16]: if not header: headers.append("output") output_norm = values.append(f"{output_norm}") logger(f"debug_info_forward/{name}_rank{rank}_output{n}", output_norm) else: headers.append("output") values.append(f"{}") values.append(f"{trainer.global_step}") if not header: headers.append("step") fp.write(",".join(headers) + "\n") header = True fp.write(",".join(values) + "\n") fp.flush() return forward_hook
[docs]def get_backward_hook(name, trainer, rank, logger, dump_to_file=False): """ A backward hook to dump all the module input and output grad norms. The hook will be called every time the \ gradients with respect to module inputs are computed. Only float type input/output grad tensor norms are computed. For more details about the backward hook, check: Parameters ---------- name : str tensor name trainer : PTL trainer PTL trainer rank : int worker rank logger : PTL log function PTL log function dump_to_file : bool, optional wether dump the csv file to the disk, by default False Returns ------- backward_hook """ if dump_to_file: os.makedirs("debug_info", exist_ok=True) fp = open(f"debug_info/backward_{name}_rank{rank}.txt", "w") header = False def backward_hook(module, inputs, outputs): """Backward hook to dump all the module input and output grad norms. The hook will be called every time the \ has computed an output. Only float type input/output tensor norms are computed.""" nonlocal header nonlocal fp if values = [] headers = [] for n, i in enumerate(inputs): if isinstance(i, torch.Tensor) and i.dtype in [torch.float, torch.half, torch.bfloat16]: if not header: headers.append("input") input_norm = values.append(f"{input_norm}") logger(f"debug_info_backward/{name}_rank{rank}_input{n}", input_norm) if isinstance(outputs, tuple): for n, i in enumerate(outputs): if isinstance(i, torch.Tensor) and i.dtype in [torch.float, torch.half, torch.bfloat16]: if not header: headers.append("output") output_norm = values.append(f"{output_norm}") logger(f"debug_info_backward/{name}_rank{rank}_output{n}", output_norm) else: headers.append("output") values.append(f"{}") values.append(f"{trainer.global_step}") if not header: headers.append("step") fp.write(",".join(headers) + "\n") header = True fp.write(",".join(values) + "\n") fp.flush() return backward_hook
[docs]def get_tensor_hook(module, name, trainer, rank, logger, dump_to_file=False): """ A tensor hook to dump all of the tensor weight norms and grad norms at the end of each of the backward steps. For more details about the tensor hook, check: Parameters ---------- module : torch.nn.Module module to register the hook name : str tensor name trainer : PTL trainer PTL trainer rank : int worker rank logger : PTL log function PTL log function dump_to_file : bool, optional wether dump the csv file to the disk, by default False Returns ------- tensor_hook """ if dump_to_file: os.makedirs("debug_info", exist_ok=True) fp = open(f"debug_info/tensor_{name}_rank{rank}.csv", "w") header = False def tensor_hook(grad): """Tensor hook to dump all the tensor weight norms and grad norms at the end of each of the backward steps.""" nonlocal header nonlocal fp values = [] headers = [] weight = module.get_parameter(name) weight_norm = grad_norm = logger(f"debug_info_tensors/{name}_rank{rank}_grad_norm", grad_norm) logger(f"debug_info_tensors/{name}_rank{rank}_weight_norm", weight_norm) values.append(f"{weight_norm}") values.append(f"{grad_norm}") values.append(f"{trainer.global_step}") if dump_to_file: if not header: headers.append("weight") headers.append("grad") headers.append("step") fp.write(",".join(headers) + "\n") header = True fp.write(",".join(values) + "\n") fp.flush() return grad return tensor_hook
[docs]def register_debug_hooks(module, trainer, logger, dump_to_file=False): """ Register debug hooks. It can 1. track the module forward step input/output norm 2. track the module backward step input/output grad norm 3. track the parameter weight norm and grad norm. """ # default rank 0 rank = 0 if torch.distributed.is_initialized(): rank = torch.distributed.get_rank() for name, tensor in module.named_parameters(): if name != "": tensor.register_hook(get_tensor_hook(module, name, trainer, rank, logger, dump_to_file)) for name, layer in module.named_modules(): if name != "": layer.register_forward_hook(get_forward_hook(name, trainer, rank, logger, dump_to_file)) layer.register_full_backward_hook(get_backward_hook(name, trainer, rank, logger, dump_to_file))