Source code for mridc.utils.export_utils

# encoding: utf-8
__author__ = "Dimitrios Karkalousos"

# Taken and adapted from:
import os
from enum import Enum
from typing import Callable, Dict, Optional, Type

import onnx
import torch
import torch.nn as nn

from mridc.utils import logging

    import onnxruntime

    ort_available = True
except ImportError:
    ort_available = False

[docs]class ExportFormat(Enum): """Which format to use when exporting a Neural Module for deployment""" ONNX = (1,) TORCHSCRIPT = (2,)
_EXT_DICT = {".pt": ExportFormat.TORCHSCRIPT, ".ts": ExportFormat.TORCHSCRIPT, ".onnx": ExportFormat.ONNX}
[docs]def cast_tensor(x, from_dtype=torch.float16, to_dtype=torch.float32): """Cast tensor from from_dtype to to_dtype""" return if x.dtype == from_dtype else x
[docs]def cast_all(x, from_dtype=torch.float16, to_dtype=torch.float32): """Cast all tensors in x from from_dtype to to_dtype""" if isinstance(x, torch.Tensor): return cast_tensor(x, from_dtype=from_dtype, to_dtype=to_dtype) if isinstance(x, dict): return {k: cast_all(x[k], from_dtype=from_dtype, to_dtype=to_dtype) for k in x.keys()} if isinstance(x, tuple): return tuple(cast_all(y, from_dtype=from_dtype, to_dtype=to_dtype) for y in x)
[docs]class CastToFloat(nn.Module): """Cast input to float""" def __init__(self, mod): super().__init__() self.mod = mod
[docs] def forward(self, x): """Forward pass""" return ( self.mod.forward( if torch.is_autocast_enabled() else self.mod.forward(x) )
[docs]def get_export_format(filename: str): """Get export format from filename""" _, ext = os.path.splitext(filename) try: return _EXT_DICT[ext] except KeyError as e: raise ValueError(f"Export file {filename} extension does not correspond to any export format!") from e
[docs]def augment_filename(output: str, prepend: str): """Augment output filename with prepend""" if prepend == "self": return output path, filename = os.path.split(output) filename = f"{prepend}-{filename}" return os.path.join(path, filename)
[docs]def forward_method(self): """Forward method for export""" if hasattr(self, "forward_for_export"): return self.forward_for_export return self.forward
[docs]def wrap_forward_method(self): """Wraps the forward method of the module with a function that returns the output of the forward method""" tp = type(self) old_forward_method = None if hasattr(tp, "forward_for_export"): forward_method = tp.forward_for_export old_forward_method = tp.forward tp.forward = forward_method else: forward_method = None return forward_method, old_forward_method
[docs]def parse_input_example(input_example): """Parse input example to onnxrt input format""" input_list = list(input_example) input_dict = {} # process possible kwargs if isinstance(input_list[-1], dict): input_dict = input_list[-1] input_list = input_list[:-1] return input_list, input_dict
[docs]def to_onnxrt_input(ort_input_names, input_names, input_dict, input_list): """Convert input to onnxrt input""" odict = {} for k in reversed(input_names): if k in input_dict: val = input_dict[k].cpu().numpy() else: val = input_list.pop().cpu().numpy() if k in ort_input_names: odict[k] = val return odict
[docs]def verify_runtime( model, output, input_examples, input_names, check_tolerance=0.01, ): """Verify runtime output with onnxrt.""" onnx_model = onnx.load(output) ort_input_names = [ for node in onnx_model.graph.input] # skipcq: PYL-W0622 global ort_available if not ort_available: logging.warning(f"ONNX generated at {output}, not verified - please install onnxruntime_gpu package.\n") onnx.checker.check_model(onnx_model, full_check=True) return onnx_session_opt = onnxruntime.SessionOptions() onnx_session_opt.graph_optimization_level = onnxruntime.GraphOptimizationLevel.ORT_ENABLE_ALL sess = onnxruntime.InferenceSession( onnx_model.SerializeToString(), sess_options=onnx_session_opt, providers=["CUDAExecutionProvider"] ) all_good = True for input_example in input_examples: input_list, input_dict = parse_input_example(input_example) output_example = model.forward(*input_list, **input_dict) ort_input = to_onnxrt_input(ort_input_names, input_names, input_dict, input_list) all_good = all_good and run_ort_and_compare(sess, ort_input, output_example, check_tolerance) status = "SUCCESS" if all_good else "FAIL""ONNX generated at {output} verified with onnxruntime : {status}") return all_good
[docs]def run_ort_and_compare(sess, ort_input, output_example, check_tolerance=0.01): """Run onnxrt and compare with output example""" ort_out =, ort_input) all_good = True for i, out in enumerate(ort_out): expected = output_example[i] if torch.is_tensor(expected): tout = torch.from_numpy(out)"Checking output {i}, shape: {expected.shape}:\n{expected}\n{tout}") if not torch.allclose(tout, expected.cpu(), rtol=check_tolerance, atol=100 * check_tolerance): all_good = False"onnxruntime results mismatch! PyTorch(expected):\n{expected}\nONNXruntime:\n{tout}") return all_good
[docs]def simple_replace(BaseT: Type[nn.Module], DestT: Type[nn.Module]) -> Callable[[nn.Module], Optional[nn.Module]]: """ Generic function generator to replace BaseT module with DestT. BaseT and DestT should have same attributes. No weights are copied. Parameters ---------- BaseT: The base type of the module. DestT: The destination type of the module. Returns ------- A function to replace BaseT with DestT. """ def expansion_fn(mod: nn.Module) -> Optional[nn.Module]: """Swap function to replace BaseT module with DestT""" if not isinstance(mod, BaseT): return None args = [getattr(mod, name, None) for name in mod.__constants__] return DestT(*args) return expansion_fn
[docs]def wrap_module(BaseT: Type[nn.Module], DestT: Type[nn.Module]) -> Callable[[nn.Module], Optional[nn.Module]]: """ Generic function generator to replace BaseT module with DestT. BaseT and DestT should have same attributes. No weights are copied. Parameters ---------- BaseT: The base type of the module. DestT: The destination type of the module. Returns ------- A function to replace BaseT with DestT. """ def expansion_fn(mod: nn.Module) -> Optional[nn.Module]: """Expansion function to replace BaseT module with DestT""" return DestT(mod) return expansion_fn
[docs]def swap_modules(model: nn.Module, mapping: Dict[str, nn.Module]): """ This function swaps nested modules as specified by "dot paths" in mod with a desired replacement. This allows for swapping nested modules through arbitrary levels if children NOTE: This occurs in place, if you want to preserve model then make sure to copy it first. """ for path, new_mod in mapping.items(): expanded_path = path.split(".") parent_mod = model for sub_path in expanded_path[:-1]: parent_mod = parent_mod._modules[sub_path] # noqa parent_mod._modules[expanded_path[-1]] = new_mod # noqa return model
[docs]def replace_modules( model: nn.Module, expansions: Dict[str, Callable[[nn.Module], Optional[nn.Module]]] = None ) -> nn.Module: """ Top-level function to replace modules in model, specified by class name with a desired replacement. NOTE: This occurs in place, if you want to preserve model then make sure to copy it first. Parameters ---------- model: Top-level model to replace modules in. expansions: A dictionary of module class names to functions to replace them with. Returns ------- The model with replaced modules. """ mapping: Dict[str, nn.Module] = {} for name, m in model.named_modules(): m_type = type(m).__name__ if m_type in expansions: # type: ignore if swapped := expansions[m_type](m): # type: ignore mapping[name] = swapped logging.warning(f"Swapped {len(mapping)} modules") swap_modules(model, mapping) return model
default_replacements = { "BatchNorm1d": wrap_module(nn.BatchNorm1d, CastToFloat), "BatchNorm2d": wrap_module(nn.BatchNorm2d, CastToFloat), "LayerNorm": wrap_module(nn.LayerNorm, CastToFloat), }
[docs]def replace_for_export(model: nn.Module) -> nn.Module: """ Top-level function to replace default set of modules in model NOTE: This occurs in place, if you want to preserve model then make sure to copy it first. Parameters ---------- model: Top-level model to replace modules in. Returns ------- The model with replaced modules. """ replace_modules(model, default_replacements)